CV & Academia


Master of Arts in Information Science
University Regensburg
[Semester abroad: University Toulon, France]

Bachelor of Arts in Information Science
University Regensburg
[Minors: Media Informatics, Russian Philology]

Educator Apprenticeship
3 years of internship, 2 years school
[Internship in: kindergarten, after-school-care, group home for children and teenagers]


Projects during the Master
Plain Language in Literary Texts
Digitized Picture Books to improve Reading Skills
Descriptive Tweet and User Analysis with R
Natural Language Engineering Systems with Python
[Anti-Racism Classifier and Lexical Complexity Prediction with BERT]

Projects during the Bachelor
Information Retrieval Systems and Basic Game Developing with Java
Studies within Human Computer Interaction
Bachelor thesis: Systematic Review on Digitized Literacy among people with mental impairments